Tuesday, September 30, 2008

cakes + cup = cakecups

appreciation for those cupcakes

on behalf of Alvin and Michelle,

I would like to thank Gaik Lyn for those cakecups CUPCAKES you bought them on the 26th of September 2008.

Eventhough you wanted to surprise my clients, A&M, with those cupcakes, they already knew about it ages ago. The idea that you had on surprising, or should i say scaring the hell out of my clients were put on hold, thanks to me, the dedicated one. I told them that the cupcakes were coming so that my clients won't get shocked by the cupcakes and then faint on the floor and end up in the hospital. codeword : CHOI2

Although I blew up your plans, my clients were still happy and thankful for those cupcakes.

Attached below are a few pictures on the 26th of september.

the bluedonutthatlikesbungeejumping

the chocolatebarthathadalreadybeenbitten

and thats the ratwithaCAKECUPrepresentinggaiklynanndyesitspink

Yours trully,
alvin & mich

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